Sidon Still lurks in Modern Society

“SWOP might be considered a constructive program by nonviolent scholars and activists, as it attempts to create more imaginative and just communities, reducing harm, improving health care and works to uphold the civil and human rights of workers and their communities.” ( ) Doesn’t SWOP sound like a nice organization? One that you might even …

The Bride of Christ

The 2024 Summer Olympics have just begun in Paris this week and I have watched a few competitions on YouTube. Maybe you have done the same? I especially enjoyed watching the women’s Gymnastics and was so excited to see our American team win gold today! As I watch the summer Olympics, I am reminded of …

My Sister’s Keeper

Am I my Sister’s Keeper? “If your sister is in a tearing hurry to get out and refuses to look you in the eye, it’s because she’s wearing your best sweater”-  Pam Brown. Whether you have a big sister or little sister, we tend to hold strong opinions of our sisters. Whether we (currently) ‘hate’ …

To Love a Child

Birthdays are a magical time when you are a child, full of fun things to do, friends, gifts and of course cake! What joy a birthday brings to a child! However, as a parent, a child’s birthday brings different emotions. Emotions and thoughts that I wasn’t expecting. My eldest son just turned eight this week …

Separated After Birth

Popular trends govern, or at least influence parenting styles. You have probably heard of what is referred to as “helicopter parents”; where parents constantly are hovering over their children monitoring their every move ready to smooth the tiniest hair that dares to move out of place. My husband and I were parents of a one-year-old …