Intentional Dorcas

            When considering women in the Bible who lived a life of integrity, bravery, or risked their life for another, one may not think of Dorcas.             We find Dorcas wedged in the book of Acts between Saul’s conversion and dramatic over the wall escape and Cornelius’s vision.  This is part of the slow shift …

A Wise Woman

I say things I wish I could take back a lot. The burdens for souls prompts me to address a sister in peril and I try to approach the situation with wisdom. No matter how the words are arranged admonishment always tend to come across more like a battering ram and it doesn’t sound as …

Are You Still There?

After the solar eclipse on Monday, you may have woken up this morning and pinched yourself just to make sure you were still here.  There were a few celestial phenomenon at the same time. Let me fill you in on all the catastrophic supernatural events that were (allegedly) taking place.               There was an epic …

Declaring God’s Strength To The Next Generation

O God, You have taught me from my youth,And I still declare Your wondrous deeds.And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me,Until I declare Your strength to this generation,Your power to all who are to come. Psalm 71:17 & 18 At the church where I grew up (and still attend) there are many, many lives who have …