It is Well

In 2 Kings 4:8-37 and 8:1-6, we encounter a generous, and obedient woman of faith known as Shunammite, named after her village near the fertile fields of Esdraelon. She was a well-to-do and generous woman, who often hosted the prophet Elisha whenever he came by. Most travel in ancient times was by foot or sometimes …

The Bride of Christ

The 2024 Summer Olympics have just begun in Paris this week and I have watched a few competitions on YouTube. Maybe you have done the same? I especially enjoyed watching the women’s Gymnastics and was so excited to see our American team win gold today! As I watch the summer Olympics, I am reminded of …

Deborah, judge over Israel

Deborah the Wise

Deborah lived in a time of unrest in Israel. As a judge over the land, she knew hard times. Our account begins with Deborah, a wife and a mother, delivering an important message from the Lord. Will Barak march against their enemy Sisera, even though he has chariots and many troops? Barak knows he is …