My kids loved the story If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. It is about a little mouse when he is given a cookie, he is going to want a glass of milk, when he gets the milk than he will want a story to go along with his milk and cookie, when you read him the story, he will see the pictures and decide he would like to paint himself a picture. Many messes, ensue and the little boy spends the entire day doing the little mouses bidding chasing after the little mouses whims, and at the end of the story the little boy finds himself exhausted with a little mouse who would like another cookie and a glass of milk. As you can well imagine, another cookie starts the whole story over again.
A Single Crumb at a Time

You might be thinking your community is crumbling around you. Like a mouse with a cookie, step by step, day by day our world is losing its moral fabric that we were comfortable with not so very long ago.
Human trafficking has hidden under the surface of society for a long time. Most had never heard of a “Furry”5 years ago. Now, our kids are probably forced to interact with them at school and accept them as a part of society. Most were horrified at the brazen display of filth at the Paris Olympics.
I shared just a bit of my journey working for a nonprofit. I help children work through grief. Recently, I found myself in need of a second job, and so I took another job working with women who escaped sex trafficking. My second day on the job, and I am overwhelmed by the difference a woman would have made early in their childhood if someone intervened.
“And so, train the young women to love their husbands and children, To be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God might not be reviled.” Titus 2: 4,5
A friend of mine commented that Christians are content to minister from a distance. We don’t want to get our hands dirty. It is reminiscent of London where there were two societies: the “blue bloods” and “vulgars”. It is a generalization to paint all Christians as avoiding the poor or marginalized, but it is a trap we can get into if we aren’t deliberate. We are so horrified by godless culture that we see the person as permanently stained.
We don’t have to just stand back and idly wonder how sin has become so accepted, so prevalent. The underbelly of atheistic Europe has reached our doorstep, and it is time for us to roll up our sleeves and mentor younger women. Guide them, teach them to respect themselves; to become wives and mothers. I have a unique opportunity, but there are many opportunities around you too. Many young women around you are struggling to maintain a home while raising her children, many of them single moms need to work to make ends meet. Maybe they just need a hot meal, maybe they need laundry folded. No question, they need the love of Jesus.
Thank you for encouraging us to get our hands dirty. I think that is super important. Simply going to church and Bible study and having our personal prayer time and taking care of our own family is not all that we are called to do.