A Wise Woman

I say things I wish I could take back a lot. The burdens for souls prompts me to address a sister in peril and I try to approach the situation with wisdom. No matter how the words are arranged admonishment always tend to come across more like a battering ram and it doesn’t sound as …


When asked, who are the most influential women in the Bible? Naomi usually isn’t mentioned or even thought of. However, today I would like to go to the book of Ruth and take a look at Naomi with a positive perspective that although she had flaws, she in fact was an influential woman. In the …

A letter to Moms

Mother’s Day is coming up soon which means moms throughout the country will be receiving flowers and cards. Los Angeles Times posted an article in 2019 stating, “Mother’s Day overall is the third-largest holiday for the greeting-card industry, behind Christmas and Valentine’s Day, with 133 million sold for Mother’s Day.” That is a lot of …

Are You Still There?

After the solar eclipse on Monday, you may have woken up this morning and pinched yourself just to make sure you were still here.  There were a few celestial phenomenon at the same time. Let me fill you in on all the catastrophic supernatural events that were (allegedly) taking place.               There was an epic …