Harvest & Unity

Harvest: a seven-letter word I grew up understanding. Harvest meant work, long nights, longer days, breakdowns, the smell of corn drying in the pit dryer, big trucks, and playing in the grain wagons while the combine dumped corn on us. I also knew harvest was much more than three months in the fall. Harvest began …

Lot’s wife

Conflict is something we are all well aware of between families. Conflict also brings out some of our errant behavior and permits us to make excuses for our behavior because of what we have been through. Lot’s wife was tossed in a big bowl of family salad!  Lot and Abram had issues, Genesis calls it, …


                  Romans 16 is an interesting chapter especially if you are looking for baby names. I am not sure I have heard any children named after some of those women and men mentioned in this last chapter of Romans, but I do know a Phoebe.             When considering a trait that I would like to …

Intentional Dorcas

            When considering women in the Bible who lived a life of integrity, bravery, or risked their life for another, one may not think of Dorcas.             We find Dorcas wedged in the book of Acts between Saul’s conversion and dramatic over the wall escape and Cornelius’s vision.  This is part of the slow shift …

The valley of death when you aren’t dying.

Perhaps Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable passages for many reasons. It’s poetic nature is comfortable, and its visuals help us calm ourselves. For me, visuals are a big part of soothing the inner spirit when it becomes a bit turmoiled. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me …

How to Turn the Corners and Not Miss the Curves

If one lives outside of Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, or a few of the other flat places in our country, one might not understand curves and corners. Head for southern Tennessee and corners and curves come as quickly as taking a breath. We don’t think about turning, we just slow down and turn. How I wish …