
                  Romans 16 is an interesting chapter especially if you are looking for baby names. I am not sure I have heard any children named after some of those women and men mentioned in this last chapter of Romans, but I do know a Phoebe.             When considering a trait that I would like to …

The Bride of Christ

The 2024 Summer Olympics have just begun in Paris this week and I have watched a few competitions on YouTube. Maybe you have done the same? I especially enjoyed watching the women’s Gymnastics and was so excited to see our American team win gold today! As I watch the summer Olympics, I am reminded of …

What is a woman?

I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but she should learn quietly and with full submission. 1Timothy 2:11,12               Phew! Some would say this verse is better left in 1Timothy’, others use it like a battering ram. The most recent battle of the sexes started around the …

Freedom in Christ

This week we are celebrating the 4th of July also known as Independence Day in the United States of America. This is a day we remember and celebrate our freedom as a country, our independence. We celebrate with our family and friends enjoying barbeques, bonfires and fireworks. But what does Independence actually mean? And what …

My Sister’s Keeper

Am I my Sister’s Keeper? “If your sister is in a tearing hurry to get out and refuses to look you in the eye, it’s because she’s wearing your best sweater”-  Pam Brown. Whether you have a big sister or little sister, we tend to hold strong opinions of our sisters. Whether we (currently) ‘hate’ …

Intentional Dorcas

            When considering women in the Bible who lived a life of integrity, bravery, or risked their life for another, one may not think of Dorcas.             We find Dorcas wedged in the book of Acts between Saul’s conversion and dramatic over the wall escape and Cornelius’s vision.  This is part of the slow shift …

Deborah, judge over Israel

Deborah the Wise

Deborah lived in a time of unrest in Israel. As a judge over the land, she knew hard times. Our account begins with Deborah, a wife and a mother, delivering an important message from the Lord. Will Barak march against their enemy Sisera, even though he has chariots and many troops? Barak knows he is …