Sidon Still lurks in Modern Society

“SWOP might be considered a constructive program by nonviolent scholars and activists, as it attempts to create more imaginative and just communities, reducing harm, improving health care and works to uphold the civil and human rights of workers and their communities.” ( ) Doesn’t SWOP sound like a nice organization? One that you might even …

Hunky Dory

Have you ever wondered what the term hunky-dory meant? I am that person, and the only person I know, that wonders about these things. What in the world is a hunky and what does Dory have to do with it? Google was invented for people like me; like a three-year-old playing the endless “why?” game. …

To Worship Him

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” John 4:23 Have you ever heard a child sing a familiar song, but they weren’t singing the correct lyrics? They mindlessly sing a tune that they have heard …