It is Well

In 2 Kings 4:8-37 and 8:1-6, we encounter a generous, and obedient woman of faith known as Shunammite, named after her village near the fertile fields of Esdraelon. She was a well-to-do and generous woman, who often hosted the prophet Elisha whenever he came by. Most travel in ancient times was by foot or sometimes …


                  Romans 16 is an interesting chapter especially if you are looking for baby names. I am not sure I have heard any children named after some of those women and men mentioned in this last chapter of Romans, but I do know a Phoebe.             When considering a trait that I would like to …

The Bride of Christ

The 2024 Summer Olympics have just begun in Paris this week and I have watched a few competitions on YouTube. Maybe you have done the same? I especially enjoyed watching the women’s Gymnastics and was so excited to see our American team win gold today! As I watch the summer Olympics, I am reminded of …

What is a woman?

I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but she should learn quietly and with full submission. 1Timothy 2:11,12               Phew! Some would say this verse is better left in 1Timothy’, others use it like a battering ram. The most recent battle of the sexes started around the …

Freedom in Christ

This week we are celebrating the 4th of July also known as Independence Day in the United States of America. This is a day we remember and celebrate our freedom as a country, our independence. We celebrate with our family and friends enjoying barbeques, bonfires and fireworks. But what does Independence actually mean? And what …