What is a woman?

I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but she should learn quietly and with full submission. 1Timothy 2:11,12               Phew! Some would say this verse is better left in 1Timothy’, others use it like a battering ram. The most recent battle of the sexes started around the …

My Sister’s Keeper

Am I my Sister’s Keeper? “If your sister is in a tearing hurry to get out and refuses to look you in the eye, it’s because she’s wearing your best sweater”-  Pam Brown. Whether you have a big sister or little sister, we tend to hold strong opinions of our sisters. Whether we (currently) ‘hate’ …

A letter to Moms

Mother’s Day is coming up soon which means moms throughout the country will be receiving flowers and cards. Los Angeles Times posted an article in 2019 stating, “Mother’s Day overall is the third-largest holiday for the greeting-card industry, behind Christmas and Valentine’s Day, with 133 million sold for Mother’s Day.” That is a lot of …

To Love a Child

Birthdays are a magical time when you are a child, full of fun things to do, friends, gifts and of course cake! What joy a birthday brings to a child! However, as a parent, a child’s birthday brings different emotions. Emotions and thoughts that I wasn’t expecting. My eldest son just turned eight this week …

Separated After Birth

Popular trends govern, or at least influence parenting styles. You have probably heard of what is referred to as “helicopter parents”; where parents constantly are hovering over their children monitoring their every move ready to smooth the tiniest hair that dares to move out of place. My husband and I were parents of a one-year-old …