The Self-Disciplined Woman: Am I Keeping My Word?
I desire to be a self-disciplined woman. As it turns out, this takes way more inner strength than what I naturally possess.
I desire to be a self-disciplined woman. As it turns out, this takes way more inner strength than what I naturally possess.
Love your children from the heart The 1st thing I learned while raising my kids was that we are to love our children from the heart. As a mother I raised 4 children all in the same home, same mom and dad and they couldn’t be more different. Let’s rejoice in their differences. Learn how …
It’s crazy to think that we are wrapping up 2023. At the end of each year everyone ends the year in their own way. Some of us are still in work mode to the last day of the year and even thinking about the first 4 months of 2024 because the days all blend …
Which part of Christmas brings your heart the most joy? Maybe it’s sitting by a warm fireplace with hot cocoa and a good book. Perhaps you love to pick out a tree and decorate it with your family. Maybe it’s picking out gifts for your loved ones, listening to beautiful Christmas music, watching Christmas movies, …
Popular trends govern, or at least influence parenting styles. You have probably heard of what is referred to as “helicopter parents”; where parents constantly are hovering over their children monitoring their every move ready to smooth the tiniest hair that dares to move out of place. My husband and I were parents of a one-year-old …
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 This year I have been doing a lot of meditating on this verse, trying to understand what …
Your to do list is important. Not everyone embraces a daily to do list. But for many of us, if it’s not written down it doesn’t get done. If we are working from a list, how often do we ignore God’s truth because we’re too busy? I’m distractible enough that I often stop mid-morning to …
Read more “Embracing God’s Truth Over Your Daily To Do List”
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” John 4:23 Have you ever heard a child sing a familiar song, but they weren’t singing the correct lyrics? They mindlessly sing a tune that they have heard …
Hello ladies, thanks for taking the time to read and consider these thoughts, “Do I love my neighbor as myself?” This is a good question to ask considering Jesus said it’s the 2nd greatest commandment. Today I want to look at the time when a lawyer is trying to test Jesus in Luke 10. The …