Declaring God’s Strength To The Next Generation

O God, You have taught me from my youth,And I still declare Your wondrous deeds.And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me,Until I declare Your strength to this generation,Your power to all who are to come. Psalm 71:17 & 18 At the church where I grew up (and still attend) there are many, many lives who have …

To Love a Child

Birthdays are a magical time when you are a child, full of fun things to do, friends, gifts and of course cake! What joy a birthday brings to a child! However, as a parent, a child’s birthday brings different emotions. Emotions and thoughts that I wasn’t expecting. My eldest son just turned eight this week …

You have a choice.

If you looked at headlines this morning, you might wonder how there can be a God if so much frightening  crime is happening every day. Would God allow so many innocent children to be orphaned in a war zone?   After the Kansas City shooting, too many of us remember the violence that took place in …

The valley of death when you aren’t dying.

Perhaps Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable passages for many reasons. It’s poetic nature is comfortable, and its visuals help us calm ourselves. For me, visuals are a big part of soothing the inner spirit when it becomes a bit turmoiled. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me …

Self-Discipline: The Power of a Single Focus

I want to be a woman with self-discipline. A self-disciplined person is someone who is able to control their actions, their tongue, their thoughts. Someone who says she’ll do something—and then she does it! But how can we go about this? For crying out loud, I’m the one typing a blog past deadline! Oy! Nobody …


Have you ever had a scary or even traumatic experience? This past week my family did. Me, my husband and our two boys live in the town of Troutdale Oregon where we were hit with the scariest winter ice storm we have ever seen. We were warned that a blizzard was headed our way days …

Hunky Dory

Have you ever wondered what the term hunky-dory meant? I am that person, and the only person I know, that wonders about these things. What in the world is a hunky and what does Dory have to do with it? Google was invented for people like me; like a three-year-old playing the endless “why?” game. …

Partners in Prayer

 I think probably every believer realizes that prayer is an important part of their Christian walk. The Bible is full of verses about prayer and we know that it is the way we talk to God. He talks to us primarily through His word, the Bible, and we talk to Him through prayer. In any …