Self-Discipline: The Power of a Single Focus

I want to be a woman with self-discipline. A self-disciplined person is someone who is able to control their actions, their tongue, their thoughts. Someone who says she’ll do something—and then she does it! But how can we go about this? For crying out loud, I’m the one typing a blog past deadline! Oy! Nobody …

Separated After Birth

Popular trends govern, or at least influence parenting styles. You have probably heard of what is referred to as “helicopter parents”; where parents constantly are hovering over their children monitoring their every move ready to smooth the tiniest hair that dares to move out of place. My husband and I were parents of a one-year-old …

How to Turn the Corners and Not Miss the Curves

If one lives outside of Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, or a few of the other flat places in our country, one might not understand curves and corners. Head for southern Tennessee and corners and curves come as quickly as taking a breath. We don’t think about turning, we just slow down and turn. How I wish …

Welcome to our site!

We are getting ready to roll out a new blog and we are all excited about it! It is still under construction, but check back by the end of October and we should have some good soul food (with just a hint of spicy mustard)!