A Wise Woman

I say things I wish I could take back a lot. The burdens for souls prompts me to address a sister in peril and I try to approach the situation with wisdom. No matter how the words are arranged admonishment always tend to come across more like a battering ram and it doesn’t sound as …

Are You Still There?

After the solar eclipse on Monday, you may have woken up this morning and pinched yourself just to make sure you were still here.  There were a few celestial phenomenon at the same time. Let me fill you in on all the catastrophic supernatural events that were (allegedly) taking place.               There was an epic …

You have a choice.

If you looked at headlines this morning, you might wonder how there can be a God if so much frightening  crime is happening every day. Would God allow so many innocent children to be orphaned in a war zone?   After the Kansas City shooting, too many of us remember the violence that took place in …

Hunky Dory

Have you ever wondered what the term hunky-dory meant? I am that person, and the only person I know, that wonders about these things. What in the world is a hunky and what does Dory have to do with it? Google was invented for people like me; like a three-year-old playing the endless “why?” game. …

Separated After Birth

Popular trends govern, or at least influence parenting styles. You have probably heard of what is referred to as “helicopter parents”; where parents constantly are hovering over their children monitoring their every move ready to smooth the tiniest hair that dares to move out of place. My husband and I were parents of a one-year-old …