As we enter this celebratory season from November to January—marking Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year, it is an ideal time to reflect on our lives and ask, “Am I content or am I restless?” While winter brings many celebrations, it also brings gloom and cold, leading to shorter days and feelings of isolation. Some people enjoy this time cozying up inside homes, while others suffer from seasonal depression. As the celebration days approach, people find contentment in several things: some being with family, receiving many expensive gifts, and some even engaging in very non-Christian activities. But have we ever paused to reflect on what true contentment is? Is it genuine joy or merely fleeting happiness? Does it endure over time, or does it fade?
A vivid example of contentment comes from Philippians, one of Apostle Paul’s prison letters, where he consistently expresses his joy and thankfulness.

In Philippians 4:11-14 Paul thanks the Philippian church, writing, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
These verses reflect Paul’s financial difficulties, but his resilience demonstrates that true contentment comes from God’s wisdom and power in all circumstances. Financial concerns along with struggles in relationships, isolation, jobs, schooling, etc., can lead to significant anxiety and stress. We live in a deficient and chaotic world, which pushes us to seek satisfaction and happiness in material items, often by risking our relationship with God. Sadly, even if we gain the whole world, true contentment is unattainable without God, as all earthly happiness is fleeting. Saint Augustine notes, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” No external circumstances can satiate our deepest longings; true rest, satisfaction, and joy are only found in God.
God is our Shepherd

King David expresses his contentment in Psalm 23:1, saying, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Understanding the responsibilities of a shepherd, David ensures us that God is our good shepherd, who understands our needs better than we do and provides for us, in His timely and abundant manner that we lack nothing essential. Together, Paul and David teach us to trust God with confidence, both in calm and turbulent times, knowing that His presence is more than sufficient and the source of true joy and deep peace.
Seek the Lord

As we navigate this celebratory season, let us only seek contentment in the Lord, rooted in the truth of His Word, and earnestly meditate on God’s salvation in Christ and His presence among us in the Spirit. Let us lean on God rather than on our circumstances, reflecting on our lives and consistently thanking Him for His goodness. This season offers a beautiful opportunity to engage more with our community—pausing, listening, and sharing the praise of our content hearts—so that together we can give all glory to our Lord.
Thank you so much for this message. I’m struggling with contentment. I’ve been influenced by coworkers to seek material things for happiness. It is a dead end road. I have made myself miserable. God is so, so good to me. I’m seeking true joy and contentment in Him. Praise God for His promises to never leave or forsake us. I’m clinging to Him.
Love your thoughts, sis, thanks for being so transparent. Love you!
That is a great description of being content and resting in God’s loving Grace. I was struck while reading the article that we should use the contentment as a guide for what God wants us to do. So often we try and wrestle away from him what we think we need instead of resting in him. Thank you for putting Philippians 4:14 in context.
What a heartfelt and beautiful message. Alleluia!!!
Thanks , Rachel, for sharing your thoughts on true contentment which can only be found in Jesus Christ.
Thank you for sharing this encouraging message during a time when people suffer from seasonal depression. It is so important to stay close to God and our community during this time and this is a good reminder.
Thankyou for sharing this Rachel and wonderful Article 💯💪
What a good reminder! As the days get shorter and darker it always seems harder to stay cheerful. Praise the Lord! We have a great God who offers an eternal joy beyond our present circumstances. Thanks for sharing Rachel ♡
This is such an appropriate message of the season.The struggle to be content in this overwhelming time of the year is real and it’s a beautiful reminder to put our complete trust in the Lord.
Thanks for quoting the relatable and powerful examples of Apostle Paul and Keep growing in His wisdom,Rachel!
Very well-written and very timely, Rachel! Especially with all the extra noise around this time of the year, it is a great reminder to still remind ourselves where our contentment is found. Great post!!