I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but she should learn quietly and with full submission. 1Timothy 2:11,12
Phew! Some would say this verse is better left in 1Timothy’, others use it like a battering ram. The most recent battle of the sexes started around the 1920’s and 30’s when women started to fight for their right to vote. In the Second World War, women flooded the work force out of necessity to ‘man’ vacant manufacturing and call center positions. These communications enabled military leaders to coordinate and make educated decisions. Women were vital in both war fronts from thousands of miles away from the battlefield. Women were making artillery, equipment to protect our sons and husbands. Their productivity touched off a feminist movement that evolved into our current hysteria where women define equality as “being the same as”.
Many industries have been turbo charged by women’s ingenuity, however, as with any movement, society has also suffered. I work outside the home, and I believe it has been healthy for my family. However, I didn’t make that same decision when my children were younger because their nurturing needs were greater than my desire to contribute to the workplace.

Some Science:
Men have a thicker outer layer of their brain that controls thinking and movement. They have more volume in the ventral temporal and occipital regions while woman have more volume in the prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, superior temporal cortex, lateral parietal cortex, and insula (don’t ask me what those are). Men have 52% more serotonin, the chemical that causes him to process slower, which is why he is on a more even keel emotionally. This is also why he sleeps so well while the woman is up with a crying baby. Men have more gray matter, and woman have more white matter. The gray stores information, while the white, transmits information to the nervous system. For these reasons men are designed to store and process information while women are far superior at immediate action in emergency situations.
Maybe this is why my boys take so long to get their socks on. They have to take so much more time to think about it. Woman’s brains are more active in more regions than men’s. Women often have 13 conversations and expect a man to track with each of them, However, at the current moment, he is only able to concentrate on one thing. Men’s brains devote more area to spatial skills, such as mechanical design or abstract thinking. Woman’s brains have a greater compacity for language.
Women have skills men do not have. It’s important to recognize that ultimately God created both sexes, for an equal and separate purpose. The two create a symbiotic relationship of the male and female to procreate and to establish the next generation. Men create a chassis and women provide the motor.
Volumes have been written discussing what full submission and authority over a man, might mean. The definition of a woman has been under attack. No satisfactory answer can be given because feminism and transgender movements both want a piece of the pie. When we understand God created men and women with a purpose, then we can seek His purpose with a humble heart. Sadly, our world, and often the church, is trying to make men and women the same instead of allowing them to serve God through the identity God designed them with.
Absolutely love your post, Katie, thank you for your humor on such a heavy subject, thank you for your straightforwardness as well. ” I work outside the home, and I believe it has been healthy for my family. However, I didn’t make that same decision when my children were younger because their nurturing needs were greater than my desire to contribute to the workplace.” This is exactly what I did as well, and I agree with this. Thank you for being transparent.