Reading Luke 8:52

As I was reading this passage of scripture, telling the story of Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, who fell at Jesus’ feet pleading for his only daughter’s life, Scripture says, “Jesus was on his way”. Jesus immediately goes with him. Meanwhile, he was interrupted by a woman, a woman that was suffering, marginalized, lonely, destitute and “unclean”. (Jesus was interrupted! ) Jesus handled this interruption by a woman no less for His glory. We don’t know how long this interruption lasted but it lasted long enough that a servant came and gave him the sad news that his daughter had died as Jesus was still speaking to the woman.
It looks like Jesus was multitasking listening to Jairus’s servant give him the sad news as he was speaking with the women. Jesus encourages Jairus, “Don’t be afraid, just believe”, (have Faith) then they continue their journey with Jairus and his servant.
Meanwhile all the people were wailing and mourning her. Jesus is going to interrupt their “meanwhile” to fulfill His purpose and plan.
How do we react when things don’t go as planned? We are living life, things are going well and we have a “meanwhile”. We have a job lost, a parent who passes, or the journey is leading us through a wilderness.
“Meanwhile” is an intervening time between events. How we view this “meanwhile” and manage this time will depend on our relationship with the one who controls the “meanwhile”. God is working upstream to mold us, shape us, to work His plan and do more than we can ask or imagine, it may be beyond our understanding and comprehension.
In our “Meanwhile” let us hold on to the hope that all things are possible, and work together for His glory and our good. Don’t let the interruptions and inconveniences detour us from holding on to the one that controls our “meanwhile”.
Do we interrupt Jesus in desperation with our “meanwhile”?
Touch His garment in faith for your twelve year old issues and see God work the “meanwhile”.
Author: Linda Wiese