Misguided Miriam speaking against God’s Leader

Miriam, a woman of bravery and praise for God, that later in life is speaking against God’s chosen, Moses. How did this happen, ladies? Miriam was a brave girl who watched over her baby brother floating in the Nile River. She spoke up to the princess and helped arrange for her own mother, Jochebed, to nurse and care for baby Moses.  Miriam was a smart quick-thinking girl!

The next time we hear about Miriam, is 80 years later, and she has written a song of victory & praise to God after defeating Pharoah and his armies. She is leading the women in praise.

Possible Prejudice

Fast forward to today’s lesson, and Miriam has changed and not for the better.  Miriam and her brother, Aaron are speaking against Moses, God’s chosen leader. The Bible gives us 2 reasons. 1. Because of his Cushite wife (Cush is modern day Ethiopia) Were they racist? It is very possible since Cush has people with the darkest skin in the world. God had no problem with this marriage, why should Miriam have a problem? Prejudice can sneak into anyone’s heart if we are not carefully guarding our thoughts.

Miriam was speaking against Moses’ choice of wife from Cush/Ethiopia. Photo credits: Instagram-Nyakim Gatwech a model of Ethiopian descent

Overinflated view of their importance

The second reason was they made a claim of their own importance, suggesting that they were being overlooked.  Numb. 12:2- 3 (NASB) ” ‘Has the LORD spoken only through Moses?’ they asked. ‘Hasn’t he also spoken through us?’ And the LORD heard this. (Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.)”

This is high praise about Moses from the Holy Spirit, the humblest man on the Earth. God even spoke to Moses face to face. Miriam and Aaron are treading on dangerous ground speaking against him, yet they still did it. The Bible contrasts Moses’ humility, and the apparent lack of it on Miriam and Aaron’s part.

God punishes and Moses pleads

Well, God acts quickly and with a strong act of punishment. Miriam is stricken with leprosy and sent out of the camp of Israel. Leprosy is a horrible skin disease that is easily spread. Read some more here: https://answersingenesis.org/biology/disease/biblical-leprosy-shedding-light-on-the-disease-that-shuns/ Why just her and not Aaron? Most likely, she was the primary one speaking against Moses, God’s man.   

We witness the humility of Moses. He knew how Miriam had spoken against him, but he went before God and is pleading with Him to heal and restore her. What forgiveness he practiced.  

Search your heart

Ladies, let us search our hearts today, let’s get rid of the pride, the prejudice, the desire for recognition, and be humble, faithful women of God who support the leaders God has set in place.


  1. Very good lesson Lisa.
    Sometimes I find myself disgruntled over being ignored, not acknowledged, etc. My importance should be in Jesus Christ and nothing else. Thank you for the reminder.

    • Good thoughts, Sis, I struggle with this at times as well. You are so right, our importance is in Jesus and He can fulfill us.

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