A God given Love will change the world

The Fruit of the Spirit is love. One short word that has so much meaning. Everyone wants it,  but do they really have this God given love in their life?  Gal 5:22 tells us that love is produced in us by the Holy Spirit, not ourselves, but Him!

Choose to Love like God

This word agape describes an affection, to esteem, a love from God that sacrifices our own wants. This kind of love is a choice, not simply an emotion that rises and falls. It is a principle that we live by. I choose to love you, because of what God has done and continues to do for me.

Love God with ALL of who we are, hold nothing back

First and foremost, this God given love directs us to love the Lord with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul, & all our strength.  That’s every part of you.  We aren’t to love the Lord with a little bit of our heart, a little more of our mind.  We are to give ALL of ourselves to the Lord.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit says to love sincerely with no hypocrisy. I’m convinced that hypocrisy in Christian’s lives drives more people away from God than anything else. When we are directed to love one another, that’s talking to us ladies about the family of God. We are to sincerely love our sisters and brothers, our leaders.  No faking it, rather a deep real love for the family of God.

Don’t love others? Then you don’t know God

Love in Action

Love our neighbor as ourselves, the 2nd greatest command, and you know who our neighbor is? Well, Jesus explained that in the parable of the good Samaritan. It’s everyone! This God given love will change the world as we genuinely treat others right. 

For any of you ladies that are in the medical profession or first responders, you have heard “Do no harm” as a governing philosophy https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/hippocrates_132961. Well, this was the Holy Spirit’s idea as well about love. Rom. 13:10 says “Love does no harm to your neighbor”.

Also, this God given love can even help us to love our enemies!  What?! Jesus showed this kind of love. He was on the cross, dying of a horrible, pain filled death, and He asked God the Father to forgive them for they didn’t know what they were doing! Certainly, that’s a radical love.  

“Father forgive them”, Jesus showed us amazing love while on the cross

Let the Holy Spirit produce this God given love in you today.

Finally, if you want to learn more about self-control, also the fruit of the Spirit, please read Marette’s article here The pendulum swinging of Self-Control. – Mustard Trees


  1. Super blessed by you message. Love you and pray for you.

  2. Carolyn Green Sheridan

    Thank you for your message. Love is not just a soft, fuzzy feeling. Love can be really hard to do sometimes. I’ve been on the receiving end, a few times in my life, of that kind of “tough love”. And my life is better for it.

    • You are so right, Carolyn. It is hard to show love at times. I was definitely convicted while writing this. I want to grow in how I love others.

  3. Very good.

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