The Holy Spirit worked in my life like a beautiful harmony

The Holy Spirit worked in my life like a beautiful harmony in a musical composition. I had grown up in the church, going regularly even before I had memories. I attended Sunday school classes, and memorized a lot of Scripture.  One day in 1980, at a new church in Oregon, my Sunday school teacher asked our class of 8- & 9-year-old kids if we had ever told a lie.

Did I lie?

Of course, several others and I raised our hands that we had lied. Then, she was reading a verse in Revelation that said all liars would be cast into hell, unless we were baptized so we could go to heaven instead. That morning when the preacher gave the invitation, several of us kids walked the aisle. I remember telling the preacher and my mom that I was a sinner and was afraid of hell. I convinced them, and was baptized that same day. Fear will motivate you, but it will not change you.

I always wondered about the Spirit

I always wondered when others talked about how the Holy Spirit worked in their life, as I couldn’t really relate. My parents’ marriage had broken up just before I went to that new church. Unfortunately, a few years later, a family member began to sexually abuse me when I was alone. This began when I was 12 and continued ‘til I was 14.  I went through so much upheaval and drew further and further from God as a teen. I even blamed Him for the cacophony of misery in my life.  

a cacophony, confusion, misery

In spite of my bad choices, the Holy Spirit was working in my life like a peaceful melody, using my youth minister and my favorite teacher in school, and my life changed for the better. I turned away from the destructive path and started serving Christ again. I even chose to go to Bible College.

The Holy Spirit made something beautiful of my life

I knew I loved God, but I wasn’t certain the Holy Spirit was within me. I would hear this verse in Romans 8 and wonder

“However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.”

In retrospect, I can see how the Holy Spirit worked in my life and brought me to my husband John. After we graduated we moved to Salem, OR. I was 25 at this time and a new mother. One Sunday, John preached and shared this Romans 8 verse, and I told him all my doubts and that I didn’t have the Spirit of Christ.

Peace of mind and the Spirit within

Well, I wanted to surrender my life to Jesus, and I did. In that little church building in Salem, my preacher husband baptized me into Christ. My sins were forgiven & I received the true gift of the Holy Spirit. I never doubted again, not once! It was the best decision of my life.

I am saved and a daughter of the King. His Holy Spirit is within my heart. Today I praise Him and tell everyone I can what He did for me! Please read Katie’s account of her conversion to Christ

Sing and make melody in your heart to God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit


  1. beautiful message. God bless you!!!

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