If one lives outside of Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, or a few of the other flat places in our country, one might not understand curves and corners. Head for southern Tennessee and corners and curves come as quickly as taking a breath. We don’t think about turning, we just slow down and turn. How I wish sometimes life was that easy. How do I equip my soul so when I see the curves and corners coming at me, I don’t question my ability to turn the corner or make the curve without going in the ditch. Galatians 6:9-10 challenges me to “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
It’s hard to not grow weary if the doing good is exhausting, challenging and we lose heart before we even get started. It seems the emotional and physical chaos of our lives doesn’t just affect us; it reaches into our friends lives. How do we make the curves and still help others to not go off the road trying to navigate their corners?
Recently, three of my friends have walked through some big valleys and around a few sharp corners in life. Major surgeries, accidents and struggling with the realities of living in a fallen world have surrounded them. My mission is to be there when others are going through their Psalm 23. They are approaching a curve and need to know there is someone close by, so they know they are not alone.
I cannot carry their burden. I can, however, walk along so they know my presence is there. I cannot lift a burden but by my presence, an emotional part of the burden changes.
I cannot touch their pain. No drug I know of can counter the hurt. My love, however, can be a distraction to the intensity and my prayers can form a Bubble around my friend’s heart.
Fear: I may not understand or relate to. I can love. There will always be a fear caused by the physical presence of cancers, death or the unknown. A few ounces of love will loudly say to my friend, “I love you. I am praying for you. I can do little else but love, so I will love you with every fiber of my being.”
I think about Jesus mother, Mary. She had curves to maneuver, and a corners to turn. Awkward would have been a Jewish woman beneath the cross. Blood, death, nakedness, uncleanliness, body parts mangled, screams, cries, and curses. Mary knew that Jesus had been called for a purpose. She wasn’t leaving. She felt the need to be where God had placed her. It began as a young girl and ended at the cross. Had she felt it was a corner too hard to turn, we do not hear that in her actions. Her actions spoke of her faith to stay when awkward became real. Her heart showed her ability to overlook the undermining hatred. She turned the corner with the same confidence and faith she had lived her life.
Love is being there while the ones you love suffer rather than running and hiding. We tend to disappear when things get ugly. We find something to do when the push comes to shove, and we are left in uncomfortable situations. We close our eyes and hide our face when others near their corners and curves that terrify the heart.
Though written years later from when Mary lived, Ephesians 3:20 challenges us. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”
It’s not about my ability to turn the corner, it’s about the Holy Spirit living within me. I ask for less corners and curves in my life, and Jesus see the curves and corners as His power enabling me to turn the wheel. I imagine life being better as a flat road. Jesus lets me know that what builds up my heart muscle is not the flat moments but the times my heart has to make subtle changes, learn how to lean into the corners and most of all let his power work within me.
Life is all about staying at the cross and loving people. Learning how to handle the corners in life gives us the credibility to tell another one coming behind us, “you can do this- I made the corner. Slow down, keep your eyes on the road and follow the lines and let the Holy Spirit direct your steps.”
How do I turn the corners and not miss the curves in life? It’s by focusing on the “him” who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. It’s letting the Holy Spirit control our fears, give confidence to our actions and love those approaching the corners of life and loving them through until the road straightens out.
Author Marette Jorgenson