To Love a Child

Birthdays are a magical time when you are a child, full of fun things to do, friends, gifts and of course cake! What joy a birthday brings to a child! However, as a parent, a child’s birthday brings different emotions. Emotions and thoughts that I wasn’t expecting. My eldest son just turned eight this week …


Have you ever had a scary or even traumatic experience? This past week my family did. Me, my husband and our two boys live in the town of Troutdale Oregon where we were hit with the scariest winter ice storm we have ever seen. We were warned that a blizzard was headed our way days …

The Joy of Christmas

Which part of Christmas brings your heart the most joy? Maybe it’s sitting by a warm fireplace with hot cocoa and a good book. Perhaps you love to pick out a tree and decorate it with your family. Maybe it’s picking out gifts for your loved ones, listening to beautiful Christmas music, watching Christmas movies, …

To Worship Him

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” John 4:23 Have you ever heard a child sing a familiar song, but they weren’t singing the correct lyrics? They mindlessly sing a tune that they have heard …